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      var colorDialogField;
      var mouseX, mouseY;
      document.onmousemove = getMousePosition;
      function getMousePosition(e) {
      try {
      if (!e) e = window.event;
      if (e.pageX)
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      // This is here so that the page doesn't throw errors when there is no
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      function openColorDialog(f, e) {
      colorDialogField = f;
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      s.style.top = mouseY+"px";
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      s.style.visibility = "visible";
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      document.onmousemove = getDialogMousePosition;
      function closeColorDialog(f) {
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      document.onmousemove = getMousePosition;
      function setColor(c) {
      var s = document.getElementById(colorDialogField+'ColorSwatch');
      var h = document.getElementById(colorDialogField);
      if (s != null && h != null) {
      s.style.backgroundColor = c;
      h.value = c;
      // This code was adapted from the fantastic 4096 Color Wheel
      // by Jemima Pereira (http://www.ficml.org/jemimap/style/color/wheel.html)
      // Modified by John Watson for use as a popup.
      threec = new Array("#666666", "#555555", "#545657"); // the three colors
      // HSV conversion algorithm adapted from easyrgb.com
      function hsv2rgb(Hdeg,S,V) {
      H = Hdeg/360; // convert from degrees to 0 to 1
      if (S==0) { // HSV values = From 0 to 1
      R = V*255; // RGB results = From 0 to 255
      G = V*255;
      B = V*255;}
      else {
      var_h = H*6;
      var_i = Math.floor( var_h ); //Or ... var_i = floor( var_h )
      var_1 = V*(1-S);
      var_2 = V*(1-S*(var_h-var_i));
      var_3 = V*(1-S*(1-(var_h-var_i)));
      if (var_i==0) {var_r=V ; var_g=var_3; var_b=var_1}
      else if (var_i==1) {var_r=var_2; var_g=V; var_b=var_1}
      else if (var_i==2) {var_r=var_1; var_g=V; var_b=var_3}
      else if (var_i==3) {var_r=var_1; var_g=var_2; var_b=V}
      else if (var_i==4) {var_r=var_3; var_g=var_1; var_b=V}
      else {var_r=V; var_g=var_1; var_b=var_2}
      R = Math.round(var_r*255); //RGB results = From 0 to 255
      G = Math.round(var_g*255);
      B = Math.round(var_b*255);
      return new Array(R,G,B);
      function rgb2hex(rgbary) {
      cary = new Array;  
      cary[3] = "#";
      for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
      cary[i] = parseInt(rgbary[i]).toString(16);
      if (cary[i].length < 2) cary[i] = "0"+ cary[i];
      cary[3] = cary[3] + cary[i];
      cary[i+4] = rgbary[i]; //save dec values for later
      // function returns hex color as an array of three two-digit strings
      // plus the full hex color and original decimal values
      return cary;
      function webRounder(c,d) {//d is the divisor
      //safe divisor is 51, smart divisor is 17  
      thec = "#";
      for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      num = Math.round(c[i+4]/d) * d; //use saved rgb value
      numc = num.toString(16);
      if (String(numc).length < 2) numc = "0" + numc;
      thec += numc;
      return thec;
      function hexColorArray(c) { //now takes string hex value with #
      threec[2] = c[3];
      threec[1] = webRounder(c,17);
      threec[0] = webRounder(c,51);
      return false;
      function greyMoved(x, y) {
      if (x < 10) {
      // Pure black
      c = rgb2hex(hsv2rgb(0, 0, 0));
      } else if (x > 140) {
      // Pure white
      c = rgb2hex(hsv2rgb(0, 0, 1));
      } else {
      // Shades of grey
      c = rgb2hex(hsv2rgb(0, 0, (x-10)/130));
      function getDialogMousePosition(e) {
      if (document.layers) {
      x = e.layerX;
      y = e.layerY;
      else if (document.all) {
      x = event.offsetX;
      y = event.offsetY;
      else if (document.getElementById) {
      x = (e.pageX - document.getElementById("colorPickerDialog").offsetLeft);
      y = (e.pageY - document.getElementById("colorPickerDialog").offsetTop);
      if (x > 150) { return false; }
      if (y > 150) { greyMoved(x, y); return false; }
      cartx = x - 75;
      carty = 75 - y;
      cartx2 = cartx * cartx;
      carty2 = carty * carty;
      cartxs = (cartx < 0)?-1:1;
      cartys = (carty < 0)?-1:1;
      cartxn = cartx/75; //normalize x
      rraw = Math.sqrt(cartx2 + carty2); //raw radius
      rnorm = rraw/75; //normalized radius
      if (rraw == 0) {
      sat = 0;
      val = 0;
      rgb = new Array(0,0,0);
      else {
      arad = Math.acos(cartx/rraw); //angle in radians  
      aradc = (carty>=0)?arad:2*Math.PI - arad; //correct below axis
      adeg = 360 * aradc/(2*Math.PI); //convert to degrees
      if (rnorm > 1) { // outside circle
      rgb = new Array(255,255,255);
      sat = 1;
      val = 1;
      //else rgb = hsv2rgb(adeg,1,1);
      else if (rnorm >= .5) {
      sat = 1 - ((rnorm - .5) *2);
      val = 1;
      rgb = hsv2rgb(adeg,sat,val);
      else {
      sat = 1;
      val = rnorm * 2;
      rgb = hsv2rgb(adeg,sat,val);}
      c = rgb2hex(rgb);
      return false;
      function hoverColor() {
      var e = document.getElementById("colorPickerDialog");
      e.style.backgroundColor = threec[2];
      return false;
      function pickColor() {
      return false;
      <iframe id="colorPickerShim" src="javascript:false;" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><div id="colorPickerDialog" style="visibility: hidden;"><a href="#" onclick="pickColor(); return false;" onmouseout="closeColorDialog();"><img src="hsvwheel.png" tppabs="http://diy.despair.com/img/hsvwheel.png" alt="Color wheel"></a></div> <div id="wrap">
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      case 'error-toname':
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      $('emailformmessage').innerHTML = "Enter recipient's name.";
      case 'error-sending':
      $('emailformmain').style.display = "";
      $('emailformmessage').innerHTML = 'There was a problem sending the email. Make sure the email addresses are correct.';
      $('emailformmain').style.display = "";
      $('emailformmessage').innerHTML = t.responseText;

    function errFunc(t) {
    return "email trouble";

    function hidePreCart() {
      Effect.Fade('precartform', { duration: 0.25 } );

    function showPreCart() {
      $('miniprintinfo').style.display = "";
      Effect.Appear('precartform', { duration: 0.25 } );

    function check_form(){ //function run upon cart submission
      if (frm.policy.checked){ return true;
      } else {return false;}


      <form name="motivatorform" action="http://diy.despair.com/motivator.php" method="post" onSubmit="return fReqs();" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <a name="top"></a>
    v/guidedtoursdiywhitebg.swf" bgcolor="#EFEFEF" border="0" quality="high"></embed></object>
    <div class="motivator_layout">
      <div class="label_notice">
      <div class="motivator_copy">
      <h1>The War Against Motivation Continues.</h1>

      <h2>Now, Join The Battle and Make Your Design.</h2>
      <div class="image_center">

      <p><img src="upload.jpg" tppabs="http://images.despair.com/banners/diy/upload.jpg"></p>
      Choose any photograph on your computer to use for your motivational parody. </p>
      <input name="userfile" type="file" /><br>
      <label>Keep this part of my photo visible if it must be cropped:</label>
      <input type="radio" name="alignment" id="align2" value="center" checked>
      <label for="align2">Center</label>
      <input type="radio" name="alignment" id="align1" value="left">
      <label for="align1">Top/Left</label>
      <input type="radio" name="alignment" id="align3" value="right">
      <label for="align3">Bottom/Right</label>
      <input type="radio" name="orientation" id="orientation1" value="landscape" checked>
      <label for="orientation1">Landscape (wide)</label>
      <input type="radio" name="orientation" id="orientation2" value="portrait">
      <label for="orientation2">Portrait (tall)</label>
      <label>Colors:</label> <span>For the best look, choose colors that complement your photograph.</span>
      <input type="hidden" name="color" id="color" value="#ffffff">
      <a id="colorColorSwatch" href="javascript:openColorDialog('color')" class="colorpicker" style="background-color: #ffffff">    </a>
      <input type="hidden" name="color2" id="color2" value="#ffffff">
      <a id="color2ColorSwatch" href="javascript:openColorDialog('color2')" class="colorpicker" style="background-color: #ffffff">    </a>
      <label>Motivational text</label>
      <input type="hidden" name="bg" id="bg" value="#000000">
      <a id="bgColorSwatch" href="javascript:openColorDialog('bg')" class="colorpicker" style="background-color: #000000">    </a>
      <label>Title:</label> <span>Name your design, then pick your font.</span>
      <input id="diyTitle" name="title" value="" size="40">
      <select name="font1">
      <option value="times" selected>Roman (default)</option>
      <option value="framd">Plain</option>
      <option value="fantasy1">Fantasy</option>
      <option value="script">Script</option>
      <option value="yikes">Comic book</option>
      <option value="scifi">Sci-fi</option>
      <option value="army">Army</option>
      <option value="smash">Grunge</option>
      <option value="caslantr">Goth</option>
      <option value="arcade">80's arcade</option>
      <option value="cloisterblack">Olde school</option>
      <option value="70s">Funk</option>
      <label>Motivational text:</label> <span >You've got room for 175 characters.</span>
      <textarea id="diyText" cols="40" rows="3" name="text"></textarea>
      <select name="font2">
      <option value="times">Roman</option>
      <option value="framd" selected>Plain (default)</option>
      <option value="fantasy1">Fantasy</option>
      <option value="script">Script</option>
      <option value="yikes">Comic book</option>
      <option value="scifi">Sci-fi</option>
      <option value="army">Army</option>
      <option value="smash">Grunge</option>
      <option value="caslantr">Goth</option>
      <option value="arcade">80's arcade</option>
      <option value="cloisterblack">Olde school</option>
      <option value="70s">Funk</option>
      <p><input class="button" type="submit" name="button" value="Create poster"></p>
      </div> <!--/image_center-->
    <font size=1 color=c1c1c1 face="verdana, arial, helvetica">Special thanks to flagrantdisregard.com for help.</i></font></center>
    </div> <!--/motivator_layout-->  

    <style type="text/css">
    div.float {
      float: left;

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